As a Specialist Breast and General Surgeon, I initially began liposuction as part of a procedure to reshape the breast following removal of cancer. The positive impact on both psychological and emotional well being lead me to look at options for reshaping other areas of the body. I trained in liposculpture in California with American Dermatologic Surgeon, Dr Jeffery Klein, who invented the technique known as tumescent liposuction. To develop and refine my skills, I spent an additional two years working with Dr John Barrett to learn from his wealth of experience as one of the first Doctors to perform tumescent liposuction in New Zealand.
I am able to offer liposuction under local anesthesia, intravenous sedation or general anaesthestic. This enables us to tailor the procedure to suit your needs.
My goal is to gain an understanding of what you would like to achieve and provide you with pleasing natural results. If liposuction is not the most appropriate procedure to achieve your goals, I can assist you in negotiating alternative options.
At liposuction Auckland our goal is to work together to enable you to look good and feel better.